Monday, April 26, 2010

Drawing is my hobby, not my talent...

Many people think I have talent in drawing but actually, I don't. I just love to draw.
It's my hobby since I was a little girl.
I draw when I'm bored or just feel like drawing something.
I don't really look for inspirations or ideas to draw.

Here are some of my drawings:

This is a drawing of my boyfriend when he was form 5.

This drawing, I don't really remember why I drew it.

Some of you might be asking, "If drawing is not my talent, then how can I draw?"
The answer is simple.


That's what I did.
I learn how to draw from other people and I practice my drawing skills.
This is how much I love to draw.
When I don't know something, I learn, observe and ask to get the answer.
You should too because...

If you believe that the impossible is possible, then you can do anything


haznina said...

it's really cool..the fact that u loved to draw n were able to practice it...=) fighting!hehhe

Wan Rosnita said...

owh lela...
u should be very thankful...
aku nk lukis apew mesti tak jadi...
betul ko kate..mungkin aku patut praktis byk2..
bwu ley pandai melukis...

Laila said...

thx neyta..
i am grateful.. :D
dlu,aku tiru org lain pnya style je..
dragon ball,sailormoon, powerpuff girls..lps 3thn duk copycat je, akhirny aku develop style sdiri..
take ur rush..k?hehe..

Hamdan said...


Mintak izin ye nak guna lukisan u `gadis berambut panjang' di dalam blog entry saya 2 Mei 2010. Boleh kan?

Anyway, judging from what you have drawn,you are blessed with the ability to draw.You have the talent. Your talent is your hobby...Boleh mintak kerja sebagai Marketing Manager to a company yang memerlukan orang yang boleh melukis..

Laila said...

Sure, u can use the drawing. Thanks for asking first and also for the opinion. Hehe :D

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