What is therapy? Wikipedia says therapy is the attempted remediation of a health problem. You know what I think? I think therapy is more than just healing health problem. I think it's about healing our mental state. It's only Tuesday but I feel great. On Sunday, I've done a therapy call Leech Therapy which is for my sinuses. Guess what? I feel better. I was pretty surprise with the outcome. Then today, I was out of mood for class but some how, the class today was interesting and I have this motivation to study more. Weird! I don't usually feel this great. The motivation change my mood completely.
The lesson I learn, therapy is not only for physical but is also needed for the mind. You can do all types of therapy and trust me, you will never be at peace in mind if you only focus on physical. So PEACE IN MIND and your will body be PEACE IN HEALTH.
During the Leech Therapy
After the Leech Therapy, I also learn how to do proper "dressing" for the wound