Monday, October 4, 2010

Advice of the Day: Wise words from my best friend..

One day, I was treated really bad from some girls in my class. I was very upset because it was all a misunderstanding because they were not honest with me. I was sad. I cried. I told my best friend about it. His name is Azmie and this is what he said to me:

Friends are not important..because when you're going through the ups and downs of life, it is not your friends that are helping you but it is actually you yourself.

If you don't care about me, I don't mind..what's important is that I rather see you become successful..having you as a friend is enough for me.

What matters now is that you get what you want..when you're successful, you'll remember the hardship that you had gone through.

That hardship will become your greatest memories..because success without hardship is nothing.

You will smile when you have succeed..and at that time, I will congratulate you because you have gone through difficult times with worthless friends and still made it..

You have proof to them that you can succeed even when they had treat you like shit. So take hardship as a motivation to strive..because you can do it..and you will be successful.

It is not easy to succeed and it is not hard to fail. Remember that.

I cried again but not because I was sad, but because I was so happy that I had a great friend like him.
Thank you Azmie.
For the motivation and support you have gave me.

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