Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Poem from Me: Lost and Hurt

I know you're tired and I know you're not well.
But why do I have to be the victim?
Why do I have to be the one who gets hurt by you?
Did I do wrong?
Or are you punishing me for something?
Because I feel that way.

Feel like you purposely hurt me.
Maybe it's true that you hurt the ones you love.
Or maybe you couldn't control your temper.
What ever the reason.
I'm tired of it.
So stop hurting me.

I'm scared I might break.
Or heart broken until everything is too late for me.
I don't know how to express it.
I'm scared to say it out because you're scary when your temper or moody.
So I'm writing it down to let you read.
And hear me when I say "Please, don't hurt me anymore".

My heart can't take it.
Please, if you love me, stop hurting me.
I'm wounded already by you.
Why are you widening my wounds?
Do I deserve this from you?

Maybe I made a mistake.
I don't know but if I did I'm sorry.
Maybe you wanna see me burst into flame.
Please don't, it's not a pretty sight.
Maybe you were hoping something from me.
I don't know so please tell me.

Because right now,
I'm lost and hurt by you.


love coklet said...

ehem2 sape tu..mesra nye die..so cute both of u..damn! jelous

Laila said...

my bf hehe

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