Friday, January 29, 2010

Law of Attraction: Should I try it?

I just finished watching a video title "The Secret: Law of Attraction". It tells the secret to happiness, health and wealth. In my opinion, the Law of Attraction has its logical side of it but its pretty hard to understand. If it's true that we attract things that we think, then I guess I should think positive to maintain my feelings in the good side.

To those who doesn't know about the Law of Attraction, do check this website:

Imagine, you can be whatever you want and get whatever you want just by understanding "the secret". That sound too good to be true. I take this "Law of Attraction" as a new knowledge I guess. As the saying goes, "You're never too old too learn."

Maybe I'll try applying the "law of attraction" in my life. I mean, I won't lose anything if it doesn't work out. It is for the better so why not? I'm getting excited just thinking about it. I have a few ideas I want to try out to put the "law of attraction" to the test. Wish me luck!

1 comment:

Hamdan said...

Hi Laila,

A pretty good piece of writing..Darwin explored it as `the theory of natural selection.'

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